catch---22's avatar
a most lovely gift for wonderful Lady... well done Edie :clap:
1001G's avatar
:bow: and a good afternoon to you lazy to go out and its brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
catch---22's avatar
afternoon Edie!
1001G's avatar
not yet here...its 11:22 am...:)
catch---22's avatar
well morning to you then!
1001G's avatar
ahh......its noon already and im still on here......oh geezzzzzzzzz. Today I need to get a few things done. gotta go have a great day catch!
catch---22's avatar
well I hope it was a good one for you. ;)
1001G's avatar
It was a 4 hour walk down memory lane......good and bad. Went thro a huge box of photos that had a variety of things in it from report cards and drawings of the boys when they were in grade school to all sorts of family photos from germany .......just my life and others in a box.:) I had a great idea to give all this stuff back to the boys in a photo album for each kid and very late in getting started because I know how I procrastinate. The box is all sorted into about 12 storage baggies so who knows when Ill go down there again. Very productive day!