FalseMaria's avatar
Sorry.....have I put you off your tea?:(
Kastalite's avatar
No, I've already had my falafel and spinach bake, thankyou. It's memory cannot be tarnished.
FalseMaria's avatar
Still on the vegetarian straight and narrow then?
Kastalite's avatar
Indeed. The local cows moo at me approvingly. The fish in the brook leap at the sight of me. Birds sing at my approach. Etc.
FalseMaria's avatar
St Mark ...... beloved of mammals great and small.
I am impressed.:)
Are you planning your Festive nut roast yet?:?
Kastalite's avatar
I have a magic powder in place already. Just add water and stir and lo, watch the cutlets appear. Knead artistically and you'd never know the difference. Will you be wrestling some poor fowl to the floor prior to ozzying its head off. Or perhaps you prefer the standalone pre packed prime portion. For it is long written, and I must fain concur, that Breast is ever the Best.
FalseMaria's avatar
Think I might go out and use my long bow ...see what I can get.
Stuffed farmer with giblet gravy.:)
Kastalite's avatar
I'd forgotten about your deadly skills. Still at it are you? I think a shot of you in silhouette, with bow arched for action, astride some rocky peak......should be your xmas card image this year.