ARandomPersonaITook's avatar
I did also - even the bittersweet ending...
I was reminded of the part of his hair before the ponytail, that has a orangey-red circle on it.
Ah, an image: [link]
Yuuza's avatar
yea, i hated the ending D:< how can Shichika be friends and travel with the woman who ordered to kill Togame? WTF
in that image he has a pony tail :)
ARandomPersonaITook's avatar
I, too, wonder about that. I remember Shichika asking her about her feelings on Togame, and that he never really wanted revenge for her. It explains why there's no real animosity between the two (although it's a weak explanation - surely he'd be a little bit angry at her) , though I can't really understand why the princess herself chose to travel with him, although I rationalise Shichika taking her in as a sort of manager - again recalling conversations near the end of the final episode.
But yeah, I shed more than a few tears when Katanagatari closed it's curtain...
I'm not good at explaining things, I fear. I'm referring to the hair directly sprouting off of his head (not the ponytail part, but his fringe/bangs) . In that image, there's also the red circle I mentioned. The combination of red, black, and the sprout/nexus of hair reminded me of Shichika.
Yuuza's avatar
even if there's no animosity, imagine someone ordered the death of your friend/boyfriend/girlfriend and then they said there was no animosity, it was juts business or they even liked him/her, i'd hate their guts animosity or no animosity OAO
the explanation they gave for them traveling together was kind of stupid and unsatisfactory. i can take main characters dieing at the end of a series, it happened plenty of times and it doesn't leave such a bitter taste but more a sadness for me but it's still a fulfilling ending like they dies for a cause (like in the case of Madoka), but the katanagatari ending made me feel outraged and frustrated and whatnot, what was the writer thinking? :(
ARandomPersonaITook's avatar
I've been playing devil's advocate the whole time, just to let you know. I agree with what you say, but counter-arguments are ever so fun...
Shichika was raised by his father, who likely taught him several values like loyalty and whatnot, but he would have a vastly different thought process than "regular" people - for example, he killed his own father. I'm not saying he's unstable, just different. The fact that he attacked the castle to die sorta implies he needs someone to fill that void where Togame was/needs someone to complement his skillset. Perhaps that's supposed to excuse him, I don't know. Actually, I wonder how we were supposed to feel, with that ending.
I was too busy sniffing and feeling nostalgic to get outraged...
Yeah, I'd want to do to her what Suruga Kanbaru did to Koyomi Araragi (from Bakemonogatari. If you've seen it, you'll know what I mean) .
Mmm, closure doesn't necessarily mean fulfillment (but it should) .
Yuuza's avatar
i actually think it has nothing to do with the psychology of the characters but with the fact that this anime was made after a light novel, and this particular novelist loves to shock and impress so he wanted an ending that is unexpected :nod:
i haven't seen bakemonogatari but i know it's by the same author (seen 2 episodes and got bored out of my mind)
ARandomPersonaITook's avatar
*sitting with my head in my hands after trying to do that
ARandomPersonaITook's avatar
True, true.
Ah, personal preference. Personally, I can't watch shows that have too much ecchi - a bit is okay, or if they make it blend in seamlessly with the rest of the stuff that's fine, but ecchiness for the sake of it... Blergh.
Essentially Araragi gets beaten up pretty bad, to the point where he's swung around by his intestines (I think - it's a silhouette-esque view) until they snap, leading to him smashing into a wall, paralyzed.
I've found that I like NisiOisin's stuff, although as I can't read any kanji or katakana (I can read a bit of hiragana though :P) , that presents a bit of a problem. I also like some of Haruki Murakami's novels, but that's completely off topic.
Speaking of the image at hand, how long did it take you? I'd be sitting with my head in my hands trying to do that - although, my ego reminds me that I do have a erratic talent with some things...
Yuuza's avatar
i think he should try to make his style more commercial because it's too weird OAO i mean Katanagatari is his latest one and it's definitely better than Bakemonogatari :nod: so he's improving.
it took me about 5 days give or take :D
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