MadPonyScientist's avatar
Yeah, if I make him again he will still be an alicorn and he will still have the more "creepy" wings like i gave him instead of the feathered wings because even though he is an alicorn, he is still Slender Mane and can't be a regular every day alicorn :)
MurderOfInk's avatar
well if you look at the wings on my version it's red unerneth and there's something extra that curves on it. I might have to fix it in my later posts because my anatomical side of me is telling me that something isn't right... I rather not give him bat wings, because it's SOOO OVER DONE and makes me think emo...
MadPonyScientist's avatar
If you look at the other pictures of mine, they aren't bat wings, they are shaped more like regular wings but the texture is supposed to be kind of a melted uneven creepy texture...something just not of this world so to speak. i really didn't know how to make what i imagined so i just did the best i could with the texture.