Tugera's avatar
Man, I'm glad that you shared your story, here. I get tired of seeing people trying to promote some body-type that they like by shaming and ridiculing other types.

The body-types of models preferred by fashion and commercial industries' change over time by what they believe the public finds most beautiful at the moment, but fighting those limited perceptions of what is beautiful by ridiculing certain body types that a person feel the majority likes at the moment isn't helpful. If anything, that just helps to decide the next new "in" body-type.

Instead of making sure that every body-type has its shamers and is hated by someone, more people should spread love and appreciation of all body-types.

If a person's body-type isn't killing them or physically hurting them, then there's nothing wrong with it. If they are hurt by their body-type only by way of people treating them negatively because of it, those people need to get over their shallowness. Anyone should be able to run.
Exillior's avatar
"people trying to promote some body-type that they like by shaming and ridiculing other types." <-- this.

I don't understand it. Sure they prefer a certain body type over others - we all have our tastes, preferences and opinions - but calling a body type that's not your preference "disgusting", "unnatural", "ugly"... I don't understand that. I think people have too much leisure.