camac's avatar
I have no idea. I just wanted to do a copy-paste comic and figured whales pretty much live that kind of lifestyle that would be perfect for it. Must be nice to just eat by opening your mouth at any point in the day.

I always figured the WindFish in Link's Awakening just ate everybody's souls slowly or something. That thing was creepy. That or he eats seagulls. either way.
ObstinateMelon's avatar
It must be as nice as this was funny. Which is very nice.

I've never been scared of the Windfish but it's suddenly hilarious to think of it that way. Like, at the end of the Gameboy Color one when it lets out its shrill cry and flies over Link, instead of making that really goofy smile when the shadow covered Link's face, he should have had a look of unbridled terror, then the screen cuts to black and says "The End" blood.
camac's avatar
Yes, exactly, his awakening doesn't just make the island and all its inhabitants vanish, he literally goes on a rampage and devours all the life on the island before destroying the very island that housed them all.
ObstinateMelon's avatar
Link probably got drunk... and all those 'nightmares' he fought were just the sages trying their best to hold the Windfish captive. What a dick!
camac's avatar
You know considering all the other weird shit that happened on that island, this actually seems to be as good an explanation as anything else.
ObstinateMelon's avatar
I sure hope some of the villagers survived and come back to chastise him in one of his 'main' games. The games that actually have f-ing Zelda in them.

He's going to be chilling with her when Marin shows up one day. Man, things will get awkward.
camac's avatar
Almost as awkward as when Mario walks by Luigi and Daisy and winks at Daisy. Poor Luigi, even with women he gets Mario's left overs.
ObstinateMelon's avatar
Oh man. I love how Mario is just totally a slime ball and the worst person ever now.