RadioDemoness1989's avatar
No kidding, King Sombra was underwhelming! Probably the most boring of the MLP antagonists thus far...but I STILL like him far better that that jerkhead Prince Blueblood! Royal bastard...
soranetame's avatar
He was a true pain in the flank, wasn't he?
RadioDemoness1989's avatar
Blueblood? Heck yes.
RadioDemoness1989's avatar
Soo...Blueblood + Rarity = crazy Rarity? Makes sense to me. ^^
soranetame's avatar
Yep, bluebutt (XD) Would drive her crazy...
RadioDemoness1989's avatar
Yes, yes he would...LOL, how'd you know my special nickname for Blueblood?
soranetame's avatar
It just popped into my head...
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