Meteorofbullshit's avatar
With some capitalistic social enginering soo their population work exactly i the ways are needed to keep the country going, plus they for some rasons  have a better justice institutions who doesnt sell theselves to get higher position, thus their corruption scandals are minor...
Cochegara's avatar
What is "capitalistic social engineering"?
Meteorofbullshit's avatar
psychological measures to make the population do it bidding? Tv shows for example, games, time those measures can even "get out their own hands" and make the population even less corrupt than they...
Cochegara's avatar
Aren't their media more left than right?
Meteorofbullshit's avatar
Period, as you may know their media are more know by hidding flaws of their own governement ;D
Cochegara's avatar
What is suppose to do with social guarantees and planned economy?
Meteorofbullshit's avatar
pretty much everything because with enough control they could push their population into for example, a spending spree, or to save up...
Cochegara's avatar
And turn to became capitalistic shithole such as Pakistan or Zimbabwe?
I don't think so.