Levitating-Narwhal's avatar
I thought cats were'nt supposed to have sweets?
zortharg's avatar
Actually, cats have a mutation that makes their sweet taste buds defective, so it's not that they can't have sweets, but that they have absolutely no preference for it; to them, sugar is a tasteless substance. This mutation played a part in their becoming the most predominantly carnivorous of all mammals because they had no preference for plants containing sugars. Sugar is not bad for them to an extent beyond how bad it is for humans though. Chocolate however is bad for them. Caffeine is in fact a powerful alkaloid toxin similar to nicotine and it is actually only a fluke of human biochemistry that it isn't extremely poisonous to humans, much the same as how some animals can eat deadly nightshade without ill effects. It is also very bad to feed anything containing onions to a cat. I don't know about garlic.
ElenaDudina's avatar