Eonari's avatar
It's mostly the same here, but in Oslo which is about an hour and a half by bus I think you'd love a certain store. It's about a 40x10 meters space where about 20 is nothing but English literature from Shakespeare to Rowling and everything in between. The other half is all comics in addition to every nerdy collector's item you can imagine.

But the game import problem I solved long ago by buying both an US and European PS2.

So it's that good. :XD: Well, for now all I've read is an excerpt from it with a guy coming back from the dead to be chased by a garbage monster which was described with quite a few details.
drachenmagier's avatar
Jup, I love such stores. :D You could just... leave me there at 9am and pick me up at 7pm again.

I got a few games which will... require a PAL-PS2 one day. But so far I got most of the games I wanted for my US-ones. :D

@madness of Angels: I LOVE that garbage monster! But believe me, that's just the start of a rather epic story. Ok, granted, the protagonist is seriously over the top when it comes to power. But then again, he needs said power to survive the stories.
Eonari's avatar
Hahaha, yeah, well, if ever visit I could show you all 5 of the best stores.
1 - Mentioned store.
2 - Similar store only with medieval clothes and even armor in addition to specially imported Lego and other cool stuff.
3 - Biggest bookstore in Oslo.
4 - Writer's community cafe and bookstore with various editions of classic literature.
5 - Otaku store specializing in everything from Pikachu pyjamas and maid costumes to Square Enix jewlery and a bunch of flavors of drinks, Ramen and Pocky.

Well, rumors say both Sony and Microsoft will announce their next gen consoles in 2013, so perhaps it might be an idea to get that PAL-PS2 soon? :XD:

Madness of Angels:
Yes, and it was very well described too... about three pages long, wasn't it? :XD:
In any case, if the excerpt hadn't caught my interest, your recommendation alone would be enough. But there's still the part of finding it... -_-