goddessOFtheSUN's avatar
I'm skipping out on the shirt because... I've decided instead that I'm FINALLY going to buy the Radioroom hat. I've literally been talking about it for years. Enough waiting! Also, the fact that the money for the strawberries is going to randomacts made me buy those as well. Call this a birthday gift to myself.
On a side note, I've been reading your tumblr and your SPN dream caught my eye. I would love to go to a SPN con with you and a girl named Autumn who is a customer at my work. Everytime I see her she is wearing a supernatural themed tshirt and it tickles me with glee to have met someone in the SPNFamily in the real world. All three of us are going to have to save up. haha
I had a dream lastnight featuring Sam and Dean (acting very much like Jensen and Jared) helping me fend off my great aunt who was trying to give me laser eye surgery... sans lasers. A random cameo from them, but a welcome one. I want very much to dream of Misha/Cas. It would be wonderful if he would cryptically tell me of my future.
Anyway, expect some money to be coming your way, lady!