ChristyHemmeFanBoy's avatar
Before the Extended Cut was released, I had mixed feelings about it. On one hand, the Reapers are finally defeated and the galaxy is safe (or it is in ruins or all races have gone extinct ...depending on what choices you made throughout the trilogy.)

On the other hand, I was pretty disappointed that the original endings didn't explain anything beyond that, apart from showing the Normandy crash-landing on an unknown planet. (And showing a short scene of Commander Shepard waking up from unconsciousness in some rubble, if you chose to destroy the Reapers and you had a high enough EMS score that is.) It also inadvertently gave the original endings very bleak feeling (even with the "good" versions) to me.

Given that scenario, I wouldn't mind if Shepard had to die (or not if you chose Destroy w/ High-EMS), I just want to know how Shepard's squadmates, along with the rest of galactic civilization, are coping afterwards. And the original endings didn't give me that.

Fortunately with the Extended Cut, it managed to explain what happened afterwards in the form of several screenshots/flashbacks (though it still baffles me why they didn't add a few paragraphs of text to the screenshots explaining what's going on, but that's just me.) Along with some narration done by either Commander Shepard (Control), Admiral Steven Hackett (Destroy) or EDI (Synthesis).
Averross's avatar
I think I see where you're coming from. I'm also glad you liked mine better. :P
ChristyHemmeFanBoy's avatar
I said that I also enjoyed your version of the ending. I didn't say I liked yours better.

I liked how you made the Husk Head play a part in the Final Battle (if you chose to take it, that is...). I took it with me during my first time playing through the Alternate Ending, and it turned out that having the Husk Head in the Captain's Cabin made it easier for the Reapers to pinpoint the Normandy's exact location. (Oops!)

The only problem I have with your alternate ending is that it's epilogues doesn't seem to explain what happened to every surviving squadmate after the Reaper War (Javik, James, most ME2 squadmates, etc.). Is there an explanation for this?
Averross's avatar
Oh, my mistake. Apologies. :x

When I saw the Husk Head, I actually contemplated the option of taking it or leaving it before deciding "No, keeping Reaper parts in my cabin would probably lead to something bad happening." I really wanted that reflected in here. :P

There is a reason for that, actually. Javik got a pretty good sendoff in the game where he explains what he's going to do after the war. I decided that any further expansion would be unnecessary or a repetition of what he already tells you. The ME2 squadmates get highlighted in Extended Cut where it again seemed unnecessary, excepting LIs who do get a mention here. I liked the one for Thane, particularly. As for James... I like James, but his story kind of hit a dead-end. I honestly couldn't think of a way to expand on him in a meaningful way. :O