Mechanubis's avatar
Indeed it was great injustice upon the gaming kingdom ('-'*) What I missed the most was his ability to resurrect the dead. But that would have been very difficult to pull off with the tech of the time.

Thanks for the faves :3 Cheers o/
chronolexia's avatar
Right, I forgot about the resurrecting since you only meet him alone (or almost alone) in Doom 3, maybe there were just a few spiders around but ofc you're aiming for the Arch Vile first, haha :D
And you're welcome! \o :D
Mechanubis's avatar
He just summons a one or two imps or whatever to gnaw at your neck for a bit. And it seems that if you don't kill him fast enough, he gets bored and leaves for tacos or something : P
chronolexia's avatar
Mechanubis's avatar
Yeah. Apparently I'm so lame that even the enemies in the game just wander off
chronolexia's avatar