Lesik2008's avatar
If anybody stumbles upon this, here's how you change the corners to edgy and the color of the borders:

Find the line
<frame_geometry name="frame_geometry_normal" title_scale="medium" rounded_top_left="1" rounded_top_right="1" rounded_bottom_left="false" rounded_bottom_right="false">
and change both 1s to 0s.

The color of the window borders is included in the CSS, but for whatever reason the /usr/share/themes/Minimal Gray/metacity-1/title-1-active.png and /usr/share/themes/Minimal Gray/metacity-1/title-1-inactive.png are used. In my opinion it would be much smarter to just use a HEX in the css, I have no idea why metacity decides to use the images.