SilverblueCat's avatar

Hahhahahah! I was totally thinking of you, Beamer, when this revamp discussion took place.

Man, this poor character hasn't really changed since uh, 84/85, really.

So, so G1... and there's just not a whole lot you can do with a Trans Am front and rear spoiler that didn't look like poor Hot Rod's little jittery sister. XD;

But eh, totally upgraded the AM into one of the Concept paintings, made it a bit more Cybertronian too, and Cil here had all the ideas about lighting up like reflective runner's tape on clothing, and she did most of the hard work. :) <333 totally awesome, I'm in love with this. She looks fantastic. The heel is freaking genius.

It's funny, she always had the panniers (the hip carriers) but you just didn't notice them as much on the old version. And now she has a robo-courier bag over the back. Made her grey darker, so you don't get that black/white look, too.

That and random Angry Space Cats make me happy. XD

She looks pretty awesome, thank you so much, Cil. <3
SilverblueCat's avatar
Aw man. I forgot to switch accounts. Fail, totally.