Fairloke's avatar
AXAXAXA!!!! What a face! :3
Aqua-the-decepticon's avatar
He was on sort of a raft. Since he thought he was left alone in the sea, surrounded by warships he got scared and made that face. He said 'I know! He (<-the one who was moving the raft) got away and left me alone!' and he started running up and down on the raft like an idiot yelling 'TRAITORTRAITORTRAITORTRAITOOOR ;3;' XD
Fairloke's avatar
Aqua-the-decepticon's avatar
I think he yelled thought half of episode 450...XDDD
Fairloke's avatar
Aqua-the-decepticon's avatar
XDD He's got a wierd personality XD One moment he's like ':iconevilgrinplz: hehe...See? Without me you can do nothing, fools....' and few seconds later ';____; Heeeeeeelp!!! D':'
Fairloke's avatar