User48's avatar
Like that did ya, what song are those words from? I'm sorry for reacting to what some other comment says,that doesn't do justice to the picture or the photographer and their subject that being said here's the comment...Walk This Way!
roganwarwickchapman's avatar
You're a no nonsense kind of fellow arn't you. :)
User48's avatar
Not really,I can play,but if I play I play to win.I don't see why anybody comments in a way that could discourage someone in the way they show us the way they see what they see and how they want us to see it.Lets say half full or half empty. I say how it got that way tells you just what is, so it's not who's seeing but the one who put that glass there knows just what that glass is.It was either a full glass poured out to half empty or an empty glass filled half full that's the part you don't see!