SleepingNinniku's avatar
You're right I haven't read the Qur'an yet, but I will. But I still don't get why the Qur'an should be anymore or less ispired by God than say the Bible or the Torah. They're unique and nobody could make anything similar.

"What I said is that the Qur'an is miraculous in the fact that it claims that nobody could make something similar and up to day, nobody could make something similar."

No one could have made anything similar to the Bible, doesn't mean the Bible is true. I must admit, I don't get your point here.

I'm still offended by you just stating that I haven't searched enough for God. Maybe I don't want to search anymore for a God who's hiding Himself and evidence of His existence from me. Why would he even do that, if He wants us to know Him.
I can't do more searching than I've already done and if that's not good enough for Him, well then I'm sorry.

"Or do you expect that each time I talk about the God, I must prove his existence?"

Of course I expect that, otherwise you might as well be talking about a pink unicorn that doesn't exist. Everyone who talks about God should be able to proof His existence. Why not?
uzamki18's avatar
Firstly can i just say sister or brother in humanity you really have touched my heart you really sound like you want god to exsit but with absolute proof right you sound like you will disagree with anything unscientific or ilogical because you are not a misguided person that will believe something that is just written right? but you are a questioner that wants a better answer than islam is the right religoun well then please can i try my best to prove it because you sound like you want gos to exist if i am wrong sorry
SleepingNinniku's avatar
That is exactly right! But I don't WANT God to exist, I believe it if He exists, but only with proof and evidence as you said, that is absolutely correct! And yes, if it is unscientific or even illogical, which is even worse, I will not believe in God. It's got to be logical evidence, not something anybody could have made up hundreds of years ago. That's absolutely right! I'm looking forward to your proofs!
uzamki18's avatar
Okay i will try my best cause their are many ways that people will become muslim like their was a woman that was well dressed lets say inaprropriae so she was in a lift with a sheik like a preist but muslim anyway they where in their together for very long and he was lowering his gaza i.e. not looking at her so just got annoyed and try to get his attention by stamping or making nosie he still never looked when he left to his floor the woman followed and sayed that she was deeply ofended te sheik said why? sh aid you id not look me this woman throught her life had to look good and pretty to get litteraly a lot of things and she tried a long time fixing herself so the sheik said i am respecting you because islam presecribed it she was so surprised that she wanted his phone number than soon after she became muslim this is just oe example i know its long but just wanted to say because your are a questioner that wants questions untill she/he is satisfed this is fine and accutally better because you are using your bleesed brain lol no offence i am not saying that other people are lol okay first this will be too lon if we post in this location do you want to message me instead or are you fine here
SleepingNinniku's avatar
I'm fine here and I'm still waiting for a shred of evidence. That story was nice and all, but if she had met a Christian instead of a Muslim, there wouldn't have been the slightest difference. Again that's no proof for God at all. Sorry.
uzamki18's avatar
Lol it was just a story lol not proof of god lol okay lets start with the proof of gods existance but first i want to give you this amazing website that will surely fulfill your scientific needs very intresting things about what the quran says like the emrology of how a baby is formed in the womb where as scientist just discovered or the water cycle and many things and look at youtube and find a man called dr. zakir naik seriously he is awesome and i think he has photograpich memory the reason i want to give you this isbecause trying to prove the exsistance of god varies upon people lol
we all have brains right and god gave us this as a blessing and we need to use it not just say i want god to appear to me right think about this we can barely take the suns light for a couple of minute imagine god?
The quran states:
Quran {3:190}- “Lo in the creation of heavens and the earth and in the alternation of night and day there are indeed signs for men of understanding”

{let me clear heaven does not stand for paradise as generally it is loosely used to indicate, but it stands for sky in Quran ie samawat, in Quran word used for paradise is jannat}

Quran{23:105}-”are not My signs rehearsed to you but you treat them as falsehood”

Quran{39:9}-”are those equal who know and those who do not know ??? it is those endowed with understanding that receive admonition”

Quran{50:37}-”verily in this is a message for any that has a heart and understanding or who give ear and is a witness”

Quran{35:27-28}-”and among mountains are streaks white and red of diverse colors and other raven black and in like manner there are men and beasts and cattle of various colors. Only those of His servants who posses knowledge fear God”
Just pounder on this note it is diffucult to prove to you that god exists in one go i have to touch your heart first because words will be forgoten but words tha have touched that heart will be stuck their
SleepingNinniku's avatar
First of all, where is the address for the website you wanted to give me.
Second of all I don't understand what the quotes from the Quran are for, there not proofing anything, they're merely statements, thats all.Everyone could have written that, no one needs divine inspiration to write stuff like that. I'm getting a bit tired waiting for you to make a reasonable point here, to be honest. I would for example love to see scripture that describes the embryology, as you said it does.
cLLJlJJc's avatar
sorry to interrupt...
here are the links related to Qur'an and embryology:
- [link]
video by Dr. Zakir Naik talking about Qur'an in field of embryology while telling the story of Dr. Keith L. Moore.

- [link]
Embryology in the Qur'an by Dr. Keith L. Moore
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After--Life's avatar
Step outside, look at the sky, and smell the air.

Look at the plants, the grass, the trees.

Look at the clouds, the sun, the moon, the stars.

Everything in this world, created in harmony.

Everything, in some way, correlates with each other.

Every human, almost every animal, sleep at night when it is dark, when the Earth is turned away from the sun. But yet, the moon is there that reflects light from the sun back to Earth, so that light will remain and we will not be on total darkness.

Not only about darkness, but without the moon, the tide of the sea will become inconsistent, there will be floods and disasters.

And then the sun.

Without the sun, on Earth, there will be absolutely no life.

The sun gives energy to plants, and the plants and trees go through a process called photosynthesis, and these plants make sugar, and oxygen.

The sugar is eaten by the animals so they can get energy. The oxygen is inhaled by mammals and other living creatures that roam the Earth, like humans. Without the oxygen, we will die within minutes.

And similarly, when we inhale the oxygen, we exhale carbon dioxide, and the plants and trees NEED the carbon dioxide, they need to breath in the CO2 so they can produce sugar and oxygen for us.

It is a cycle that repeats itself.

And then there is water.

Both, the plants, and the creatures, need water to survive.

Without water, life simply will cease to exist.

Plants need water to produce their riches, where does the water come from?

The clouds, the rain, the precipitation. Without rain, all vegetation will cease to exist, and without vegetation, there is no food for the creatures that live on this Earth. The cycle will be destroyed.

This is a cycle, that repeats itself.

And looking at the Earth itself, a perfect distance between the sun.

The Earth, compared with the other planets, where life ceases to exist, let this be a sign, that this was intended.

And the Earth, with its companion, the moon, and its star, the sun, in a never ending cycle.

Without the sun or the moon, the creatures on Earth, the humans, the intelligent humans, that were given a brain, a mind, to think, will be UNABLE to tell time.

Without looking at the stars and the solar masses in this universe, it will be impossible to calculate time. It was all created for a purpose.

Everything, every sight, every smell, every taste.

All was intended, all was created by an intelligent creator.

This creator, that we call, Almighty God.

The one who was behind all that exists. The creator of the creation. And him, himself, who was not created by anyone. The God exists outside of the boundaries of TIME. The God, exists OUTSIDE the boundaries of limitations.

The all powerful, all supreme being that controls and watches the little world that he created, functioning in its intended cycle, as he planned it, as he decreed it.

God exists, certainly. Without God, without an intelligent creator running this universe, how would we all be able to exist?

A dropping of a bird's poop on my car, is evidence, that a bird flew above my house and used the bathroom.

A footprint on the ground by a shoe, is evidence, that a human has walked here before.

A perfect universe, functioning in a flawless, infallible cycle, an intelligent creation, a magnificent program, is evidence, that a creator was here.

And if an object can be intelligent, the creator of that object certainly has to be higher in intelligence.

Similarly, on the scale of this universe, a very intelligent world, that seems to be functioning on its own...surely, the creator is the mastermind behind it.
SleepingNinniku's avatar
Well you might think that to be evidence for a creator, for me it's evidence of evolution. Just by stating "Oh look, everythings so beautiful and (seemingly) perfect, a creator must have made it." You don't proof anything at all. You might proof that you've never heard of evolution, but that's about all. And if a creator powerful enough to make all that is in the universe why isn't he ending the thousand year old discussion on which religion is right and which is wrong? That would be the easiest thing for him to do, wouldn't it? Why pick a single human being to spread his words around the world and just make people more confused about all the religions than they already are. Why not speak to every human being individually? Not through other humans or through books. Have you ever read anything about evolution or a book with reasonable arguments against your faith/god? A book that scientifically explains all the things about nature and the universe you have mentioned?