pieladyUSA's avatar
Doctor: But do you have to do it when I'm working? :roll:
Gray-Rose's avatar
Medic: You're right... stop vorking and let us go sit togezher and vatch a movie, mein liebe~
Doctor: Medic, I have a project...
Medic: It can vait. Please, come and sit vith me? *holds out hand winking*
pieladyUSA's avatar
Doctor: :P If I don't finish this stage by tonight, the whole project is ruined. Please understand that.
Gray-Rose's avatar
Medic: Aw... Zhen perhaps I can help?
pieladyUSA's avatar
Doctor: Only if you put your shirt back on. :giggle:
Gray-Rose's avatar
Medic: Party pooper ;p *buttons up his shirt*
Doctor; By the way, Frankie is really liking school. Particularly science ;)
pieladyUSA's avatar
Medic: Is he?
Doctor: I would say so. He was telling me all about chemistry yesterday, and was almost eager to work on the homework. He's really looking forward to biology though.
Gray-Rose's avatar
Medic: Really.... :D
Doctor: Yes, really.