Comment on Phoenix by sackofsquan

Synfull's avatar
Nice emote. The detail on the wing looks great and the fire effect is pretty good. You've also managed to make the animation really smooth, so overall it's not bad.

I would however suggest that you move the wings closer to the emote's body. I like a couple of other people originally mistook it for a tail because of it's position on the body and the line of pixels between the body's edge and wings main area. Either that or change the colours to something like a white/cream.

I'd also suggest removing the white pixels found around the edge of the body. Whilst it looks fine on this colour background, if someone was to use it in a journal against a dark background colour then the quality of the piece decreases as they stand out a lot more.

Even if you choose not to do it on this emote, it's just something to consider for the future or if you make a revamp :)
sackofsquan's avatar
i didnt ask for a critique. and yes i know, you basically told me what everyone else told me like 3 times. im not making it a white cream color. its a phoenix, and i think the wings are just fine. the white pixels are just an unfixable glitch
Synfull's avatar
:shrug: Nowhere does it say you don't want feedback. I'm simply just trying to be useful and help you improve your art. No need to be rude about it - if you aren't interested then simply ignore it