Mixedfan8643's avatar
Well nobody has seen me as arrogant for saying my Endgame is better. Heck, a lot of people agree with me on that fact actually. That must tell you something...
Awareness-Bringer's avatar
That some people are quick to judge and prefer stories that don't even describe anything as much as an actually novel does? I'm just trying give helpful advice in a reasonable manner.
Mixedfan8643's avatar
No...it tells me I'm not arrogant in saying my take on Endgame is better. If actual fans of Archie Sonic agree with me then I'm hardly "arrogant" for saying my take is better now am I? 
Awareness-Bringer's avatar
In your opinion, yes? I know you don't want to think yourself flawed, I feel something similar about myself, but you should be cautious about what you say. I tried to think of myself the genius on my first times on wiki and Facebook, and all I did was make myself look troublesome. Here's my forum, if you're interested. Just take a moment to ponder.