WordOfChen's avatar
If ye could draw a comparison t' that stuff from this...then yer mind be corrupted beyond repair. Please proceed t' the nearest re-education centre friend; so we might save yer soul from that horrid piece o' lit

-Captain Chenbeard of the Black Fedora Pirates :iconwordofchen:

P.S. my apologies fer th' late reply t' this piece. I've been swamped since mid-december ^^;
samuraishoujo95's avatar
my sincerest apologies. If only once could erase human memory like one can a computer's :\
WordOfChen's avatar
Well, ye can't quite erase it, but ye can replace it with more pleasant memories. In fact, th' best t' do that would be t'

*Shameless self-promotion time!*

T'would really help me out if ye visited me e-book's publication page and liked or shared it. If ye want t' sample it as well, ye can read the first 15% o' the book free.

Here be th' link (^_^)> [link]

Thank ye :iconfluttershyyayplz:

-Captain Chenbeard of the Black Fedora Pirates :iconwordofchen: