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So here we have an interesting tale... Hiccup (if he is called as such still) has a mother and father and three brothers. As the eldest son, he is expected to follow in his father's footsteps, only being scrawny kind of works against him there. Instead, he uses his brain, always building things that he and his brothers love to test out. I'd imagine he's also a pretty good smith because of this, one of his prizes being a short sword. Of course, while he wishes to impress his father, it's his mother that tells him to 'live strong and true to yourself, your father will always be proud of you'. Of course, that doesn;t stop him from wanting to more physically attractive like most young men his age, instead of the lanky string bean he is. Especially when word comes of a competition to win the hand of a local lord's daughter. While he doesn;t know her, he wants to do his family proud, and so participates. before the competition, Hiccup meets a young woman who is sneaking about and they get to talking. They start falling for eachother, and later it is revealed to be the Princess, and we get into a series of contests where Hiccup uses both swift wits and his skill in sword play to actually pull a close win, despite the odds and constant talk of his stature. It's a classic tale of underdogs using their persomnal strengths to over come, but hardly a life lesson of denying or accepting fate.
On the other side of the coin, we have Merida, daughter of Stoic. SHe and Astrid have long been rivals/best friends in everything, always helping the other improve to the point where the village games have been one time and again by one of them. During a dragon attack by the fierce Nightfury, Merida was able to launch a lucky shot from her bow pierces its tail and she goes off after it, Astrid not far behind. They later find the Night Fury, trapped and hurt, and decide to learn about it and befriend it. What follows is the two girls bonding with Toothless and a tale of jealousy as Toothless takes to Merida more than Astrid. In a fit of jealousy, Astrid tells Stoic about the dragon, and Merida is crying to not have him take it away or kill it. SAtoic MUST banish it, despite its injury, for the good of the village, and Astrid sees the pain in her long time friend. They have a fight, Merida blaimg Astrid, and Astrid makes amends with an idea. What if they could show the Vikings that dragons could be useful? Pulling Gobber into the project due to his deep knowledge of the creatures, they eventually confront Stoic, and he is initially hesitant about the idea. but while Astrid distracts him, Meridca rushes to Toothless, soothing him enough to put the saddle on him and, before the eyes of a very shocked crew of Vikings, takes off with it. Around that time (or perhaps throughout the story) a rogue group of Vikings called the Outcasts start laying siege to Berk. In a quick sweep past Astrid, Merida pulls her friend into the saddle with her to save her from an oncoming catapult barrage, and together theyuse Toothless' flame to set the Outcast ships ablaze and chase them off. During the end, we see other dragons being mounted and flown, making a secure sweep of Berk... less a tale of ingenuity and overcoming shortcomings and more a tale of friendship.