esnooze's avatar
Nice. Glad to hear. 

I'm not exactly sure what you mean by boundaries but if it is what I think it is, try changing the BackgroundMode and SolidColor which is at the very top to:


And then when you refresh... Is that what you're talking about? 
Basically I had skin that used 4 icons for Sleep, Shutdown, Hibernate and Lock Computer.

I altered it so it had only 2 icons; one that told the computer to shutdown after 2 hours, and another to abort this process. 

It may be me just being a little obsessive compulsive, but the skin can still be right-clicked/dragged etc. from where the other two icons used to be. I'd like to know which variables control the borders/margins of the skin itself, so I can shrink it to fit the 2 remaining icons and not take up unnecessary space.

If this makes no sense I apologise =')
esnooze's avatar
I think I know what you're talking about, but this skin doesn't have like one variable that controls the borders/margins of the whole skin. 

For example, if you were to add a text or a string on the right side of the RAM percentage meter, then the border/margin would now be wider because you've added something further out to the right. Get it?

To see your current border/margins, change the BackgroundMode and SolidColor as I've mentioned earlier. 


You can drag and right click open areas as long as it is within the border/margins when the BackgroundMode is 2.
Oh right, fair enough man.
Cheers for the assistance, good luck with whatever you work on next :)