Cunechan's avatar
It's hetalia, barely any relationship there is bad, it's not reality.
nashenas1's avatar
I wasn't talking about Hetalia that much. Hetalia is not accurate; I agree. I was talking about what I saw in different sites and what I saw through the Internet and it wasn't related to Hetalia at all. It was another stuff unrelated to any anime/cartoon/movie. I have never been to England or France, so my judgement isn't accurate; but I think at least their relationship is not as bad as Iran's and Saudi Arabia's (as you can see I'm from Iran) which is pure hatred. If we had official characters in Hetalia, I would be quite surprised if they would pair them, or maybe I would laugh so hard because it would be totally incorrect. Arabs, in general, can't stand the very existence of us and so many Iranians hate them in return. Historically, we didn't hate them; but it was them who started this whole thing that they are much better than we are; so my people's reaction is understandable. Also, they tried to erase our language and culture after the Arab conquest. Personally, I would never hate someone for being born in a specific place or being from a specific race; but some Arabs leave such outrageous comments I can't ignore.
Cunechan's avatar
Oh, my browser closed and I need to retype my reply, sorry =w=.
I see your point, and I completely understand. But I think this is a completely different case too as with England and France since their conflicts are really old and people nowadays don't relate to it as much anymore, I guess.
And maybe also a reason why neither of those two are canon characters is since Himaruya doesn't dwell on recent or big issues that have a lot of impact like that and are as complicated as in this case.. It's probably out of respect towards all of you, because he doesn't want to promote hate in any way or to offend anyone, as well as not making his fans mad or sad.... This is so sad tho D:
nashenas1's avatar
No problem. :) I see your points and I agree with you. :) At least France and England have done better than we have done in this regard. haha. Maybe our conflicts are older than those two (more than 1400 years); but I can't be sure, because I'm not sure since when the conflicts between France and England had begun. Anyway, in our case we couldn't (or haven't wanted to) resolve them. We have acted worse than those two countries. :D I understand why Himaruya doesn't want to make characters for our case; I agree with you on that. Though he doesn't understand he has actually made one character for my country (at least in my opinion). I, too, thought we didn't have a character; but I realized later he does have a character named Persia. He's a minor character, but still... Here:Mr. Persia and the two kings .

He may think Iran and Persia are different, but since I think I know the history of my country better than he does (no offense to him), I somehow consider that character my country. This country might have been known as Persia until 1935, but it has always been called Iran by locals. Well, we, Iranians, usually consider Iran and Persia the same country. The history of our region is more complicated than he apparently thinks it is. That's one of the reasons I completely agree with you that Hetalia is not reality.