narufag's avatar
haha turning 17 soon :P
TwilightLover1993's avatar
:D -feels wrinkled- I am 19 ;w;. BTW I saw some pics of you, I envy your small figure. I am working out to get mine smaller because I am chubby right now.
narufag's avatar
naaww...u dont have to be 'small' or just 'thin', im actually aiming to bulk up abit and get fit
TwilightLover1993's avatar
<: Pft w/e. lol I am getting rid of my chubby belly. Also, it's ok for you to be small.. no biggie, since you are Asian.. not stereotyping but lots of Asians tend to have small bodies. o3o I on the other hand, am a chubby euro mutt. :D No excuse for me. XD