Elly3981's avatar
Welcome! Do you think you can spare a little time to color something for me again? ;)
ginny3001's avatar
yes! :D I can do it later this week.. like thursday or wednesday ;)
Elly3981's avatar
You colored this well but you might want to give Abel's skin a more pinkish tone because I notice that his face is almost the same color as his hair.
ginny3001's avatar
ahh You'll see.. I like it that way, I don't like the pinkish tone in the characters that I'm used to color :) And since He's a "vampire" somehow, pale fits him, I think..but thanks for the recommendation.
Elly3981's avatar
I think you can still make his skin a little less pale then his hair :)
ginny3001's avatar
I'll keep that in mind mext time :bucktooth: