PuppyMillPrevention's avatar
[link] isn't this kind of referenced from this? xD
yiptrip's avatar
no o: i dont even watch them nor have i seen that image
PuppyMillPrevention's avatar
sorry I wasn't aware that it was a meme. >.>
PuppyMillPrevention's avatar
I'm sorry I didn't realize it was a meme >.> curse me and my limited knowledge on internet memes
nuggetporn's avatar
Oh my gosh you are so right! I love how Hinauchi flips the fuck out when a 13 year old girl references from her artwork and doesn't give credit and then she does it herself.
Schuffles's avatar
ima just budge in here and say that its a meme xD :icongaysealplz:

just a mistake lol~
nuggetporn's avatar
i am aware it's a meme, but the dogs are making the same exact pose
Mitzi-Mutt's avatar
So is the seal. that's the point. and she hasn't freaked out about that for at least 2 years
Schuffles's avatar
thats the point of the meme xD
PuppyMillPrevention's avatar
well... yea... :I I don't know... I don't want to start trouble.... I just want to put it out there...

I really don't want Hina or anyone to hate on me...
just want to let her know that... that particular piece was posted a month before hers... it may have not been her idea... maybe it was her friends? I don't know... just blarg here you go world