Nimloth87's avatar
Teehee I'm glad you noticed the title XDDD Yeeees I had never done something on PS from scratch!! OAO It was actually quite nice!! °A° It's a lot easier to fix stuff this way (ok, ok, fine, you got me, I'm Captain Obvious. [link] )and, and, and, since I'm less worried about making a mess I'm faster and less paranoid!! OAO What is this sourcery?? *shouts to the heavens* Now I'm very confused but I'll probably do another experiment like this °_°
Thank you! çuç I'm glad you like his outfit! :tighthug: And thanks for the fav! :heart:

*Loki zaps you in the bum, but with a certain degree of affection (a small one, but still)* Loki has to have a soft spot for pineapple undies appreciators and for people who like Loki. :nod: