macietate's avatar
isnt that shard?
TastySpazcakes's avatar
Nope, Metal Sonic 3.0 from Sonic Rivals 2, Shard was based off his color design, but I'll work on a model for Shard soon
shadamylove9's avatar
the black one is shard but one of his concepts even wiki sonic said it…
TastySpazcakes's avatar
No, it isn't. Shard was based off Metal Sonic 3.0, from Sonic Rivals 2.
The Secret Freedom Fighter's outfits were based off the costumes in Sonic Rivals. Metal Sonic 3.0 is Eggman Nega's Metal Sonic, Shard is from the Archie Comics, two completely different characters.
shadamylove9's avatar
Shard came before him 
TastySpazcakes's avatar
Not really, Metal/Mecha Sonic, the model Shard was based off, yes, he was repeatedly destroyed and rebuilt, but the "Shard" character from that Metal/Mecha was introduced in 2012, Sonic Rivals 2 was released in 2007, Metal Sonic 3.0 came before "Shard".
TastySpazcakes's avatar
Yup, I will do a rig of Shard whenever I have a chance to though.
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