Atheist-Bear's avatar
Yeah ... if you are looking for a stack of bones ...
digitalHD's avatar
She appears healthy to me in this world which is more filled with obesity than health. Your opinion is yours and I respect that. Sometimes no comment is better than a comment such as yours.
Atheist-Bear's avatar
Well she is alive, but if you want to call that healthy ... I disapprove of fat chicks as well, even MORE because they are obviously just disgusting, but yeah ... tastes tend to differ. :P
digitalHD's avatar
She is on the slim side but she is also laying down which sucks her belly in even farther. I think what we would see if she stood up is that she is a small framed woman who probably watches what she eats and lives healthy. Just my opinion.
zieniu's avatar
That's correct digitalHD. Just to add that such pose, lens, angle and especially backlight makes the model look thinner.