Xenomaster's avatar
Dude, it's happening in freaking Uganda, one of the most Christian places in the world! There are kids out there who pray for a freaking sandwich and still starve. And yet God just sits back while people suffer, get mugged, rapped, killed, any and all combination of the last three, against their will. Plus he had no problem telling other people in the past what to do. Moses, Abraham and more!
Plus he created EVERYTHING, so everything is his fault. Then explain those that were never told about God. He'd forsake them because they was never told about him? That makes it worse!
If God is good, then why have things like natural disasters that serve no purpose other than destruction?

How is that any different from other races? Obviously primitive societies with stronger forces and fear "the other" will fight and conquer. Any and all information I found about the Philistines being "evil" are all Bible related. Any and all claims you make can simply be chalked up to any and all excuse the Israelites can have: Their Gods demanded it.
But you want a clear understanding of how evil? Look no further than the story of Moses! Decades his people suffered, sent one guy to do magic tricks, one would be enough except God HARDENED THE HEART OF THE PHARAOH! He was working both sides of the conflict so he can show off!
IAmNotRussian's avatar
I began to realize I've made a mistake on making any sort of correction, when I remember that the internet often gives backlashes on everything.

We also remember that the Jews were heavily persecuted in the holocaust, and yet, after the war, the Jews finally have a country to live in.

God has plan for everything, even the bad things.  Because, through the bad things, something good would come out of it.  Poor Job of the Old Testament receives many bad things, and yet, he received more than what he had before.

As for the destruction of everything, it was punishment for disobedience.  And the Bible often warn the readers to not do immoral actions because the result will happen.  Kill a man, an avenger will hunt after you.  Sleep with many people, either your penis falls off or you get terrible diseases.  Persecute one country, a bigger ally will crush you.  Reason why many things are due to consequences. With that, we are facing the consequences set to us by Adam and Eve, the first humans.  We were deemed unworthy to even try to enter Heaven, but God sends His Son to fulfill the Sacrifice.

So, as you mentioned, Uganda has faced many trials, but by the end, they may become even better than what they were before.  And for us, what can we learn from it?  Why does one world wage war against another?  Ideals?  Wealth?  Alliance?  For the Israelite's case, their enemies wanted to conquer them and kill them all, as many others before them.  To extinguish their enemies, then Israel would not have faced against slavery. 

There are people who are prideful, and they may faced trials which humiliate them.  Then they have a choice, shall they be humbled?  Or do they want to continue in vanity and receive nothing.

And honestly, even for us Christians, we still do not understand God.  And the Bible repeatedly state,"Who is God's counsel?"  I have seen one comment that rings quite true.  When Jesus fed the 4,000 people, they came back the next day, but Jesus sends them away.  Why?  The first time, it was desperation, but the next?  They just want free stuff.  We are to work with the sweat on our brow.

Why are there diseases?  We may find the cure.
Why are there hunger?  We became aware and help them (There many organizations that does that, but they only do so much)
Why are there rapped children or women?  We became aware and make a campaign to end it.
Why are there war?  Either they attacked one another and it became a show of force. (Pearl Harbor to Hiroshima)

God is not vain.  And as vague as it may sound, we do not understand Him.  We do know that there is a deceiver, named Satan or Lucifer.  He was the first to betray God, and in turn, he tricked Adam and Eve into temptation, which leads to death.  Before you proclaim that it was irresponsible of God to send Satan to earth in the first place, Satan was not yet in Hell.  He often went to Heaven and back to Earth, as stated in Job.  And perhaps for our sake, Satan, the demons, and the angels are made invisible, otherwise we would be terrified of just the sight of one.  The demons could evil looking appearance, while the angels are just so intimidating, that we would just faint. 

And of course, the worse are yet to come, as stated in Revelation.  All the evil that we do not understand in this world?  Magnify it by infinity.  Christians and Jews alike will be persecuted during the last years.  And the people will make their choice on either God or Satan.

As for the people who either hear or not hear of God, that is why Jesus said, "Go out and make disciple to the end of earth."  That is God's command to save the people.  And yet here we are, "afraid" to even speak because we will be ridiculed and mocked.  And in today's time, no matter poor the country, we have internet, social media, news, etc.  People know everything nowadays. 

So, what can we do as fellow human beings?  We can look back and not repeat the same mistakes.  We look forward and help make a better tomorrow.  That's what God gave us.  To enable us to have a vision to help, encourage, better ourselves.

I tire of debates.  It is rather pointless to state if God is bad or good, for neither of us will understand God's immense knowledge.
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IAmNotRussian's avatar
Is there a reason why you antagonize God?  At the very beginning, I stated that a "Samson" game could potentially be fun, as there are many other games like so, and then you barge in with your livid hatred to God.
Clearly, you know the Bible.  Clearly you read it.  Are you also acknowledging God?  Are you acknowledging the fact God does exist?  Are you acknowledging that God could do anything?  Do you also acknowledge sin?  Because if you are, then that acknowledge the fact that we are sinners.  I, myself, am a sinner.  I repent of my ways.  I am also willing to tell others of my faith.  I am sharing my own faith with you, while you attack my faith.  Stating God is evil.  If you say that Allah is evil to a Muslim, I'm sure they would take serious offense to that.
I know that God is not evil.  Would you like to see proof of God's greatness?  Would you like to understand Him?  Then PRAY.  You don't HAVE to worship Him, at least.  Satan himself prayed to God, yet he doesn't believe or repent.

And as I mentioned before, the evil in history eventually become redeemed through the good will of men.  There was a time where Christians were persecuted by Paul (or Saul, either way).  And then, Jesus Himself went in front of Him and stopped his terrorizing ways.  And later, the Roman Empire persecuted the Christians, either for not following the State's Religion or for sports, as they are often killed in the coliseum.  Eventually, the Roman sees fit to include Christianity into one of their State's Religions.

And quite honestly, I would say watch what you say, for words eventually comes back against you.  Altair once stated that the Bible and Christianity will eventually fade out.  A century or so later, the Christians used his house as a Bible Factory.

I will tell myself that it is pointless, but at the same time, it is God's commandment to pray for people like you. 

And again, I tire of this debate.  Please stop your antagonizing/attack on faith.  And also, I think you are taking your time here on earth for granted because the time before the Flood was much worse than today, to the point that God wanted to end his Creations, to stop all evil.  But He sees Noah and his family as the only faithful family on the earth.  Also, the dinosaurs could have been deadly before the Flood too.

And once more, if you so hated God, then you admitted that He could be real.
RidersofArmageddon's avatar
True. But the fool (less of a simpleton but more of one who would rather follow his or her own rules rather than God's)  will continually say in his heart there is no God. They even exchanged the incorruptible glory of Yahweh for the shame of idols, and glorified the creature rather than the Creator.
Xenomaster's avatar
My original reply was that the likes of God of War and Asura's Wrath had you play as a good man who was wronged and tries to fight off bad gods. Samson was siding with a bad god who decided to give super strength to a mass murdering psychopath who killed Philistines. I already voiced all the religious rage, so I will go from a game play point of view. Ok? Ok.

Games like God of War have you play as a Spartan Captain who was a personal servant of Ares, the God of War. His Demigod status made him a brutal warrior and a fierce fighter. Kratos was tricked by Ares into killing his wife and daughter and thus sought revenge. 10 years of terrifying nightmares pass and he eventually kills Ares, only for the Gods NOT to remove the nightmares he was to be punished with. That along with (and not limited to) losing his younger brother, being forced to kill his mother, finding his brother only for him to be killed, having his people be wiped out multiple times and having to chose between leaving his daughter forever in Elysium and letting her die again (its a whole "die in the afterlife and die forever" kinda deal) made him hate the gods for being their plaything, being toyed with over and over again. His hatred grew so strong he even defied The Fates, went back in time to The Great War and brought The Titans to then modern day where he brought Onlypus' greatest enemies to kill Zeus, the top of the food chain.

Azura's Wrath is of a similar motif: Demigod wronged by gods wanting revenge. The difference... is much worse. His daughter Mithra was a 
Priestess of Shinkoku, she was able to bestow power to the The Eight Guardian Generals in the form of Mantra. The other seven decided to use Mithra as a battery and through 12,000 years of torment to become god-like in power. Asura was very caring of his child and was furious that his daughter was tortured this way to the point where he says "Screw Spock's philosophy" (the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few or the one) and killed each of the Seven Deities, no matter how much they fight or argue that they can do it for the sake of peace.

What can a Samson game even provide? All he did was kill 4000 Philistines and one lion. There is nothing in the story of Samson that would make for interesting game play. What happens in the story is "Philistines wrong Samson, Samson kills them". Not even fighting anyone who has a chance.
The only thing that can be done is to cross over into other stories or to change the source material, and even then that's not even that interesting. If it's the former, what would happen? Trying to survive the Flood and fighting off Joseph and his Technicolour Dream Coat? The only changes in Dante's Inferno from the Divine Comedy to the game is "Dante is a Templar Knight and he is trying to get his lady love back from Satan".

There is no merit to a Samson game as there is nothing to do. Dante, Kratos and Asura, even Bayonetta, were wronged by beings that were above and beyond them and made it their mission to kill those beings or at least stop them.

Also, I never said I hate God. I said that the God as presented is a monster that is not willing to actually help those that need help and despite all the good mentioned by Christians, they seem to ignore or even deny all the bad. If anything, I hate the idea of the god presented in the bible. The reason I get so passionate is because so many people use the Bible and that God to push their own agenda, such as not wanting to serve gay people because the Bible says being gay is wrong.
IAmNotRussian's avatar
I felt like that last paragraph finally eased everything.

And for the gays, the Old Testament is against it, but the New Testament never mention them.  However, Jesus stated that a marriage between a man and woman is pure.  That is it.

Thanks for the debate.  It was interesting.
Xenomaster's avatar

Malachi 3:6 "I the LORD do not change."

What would your idea for a Samson game be, because I doubt it can be anything like Asura's Wrath or God of War
IAmNotRussian's avatar
"Ease"  Easing the tension.  Soothing it.

You read it wrong.

Since many games that are based on legends have some re-imaginations, such as Kratos becoming a God of War (never actually happened in the Greek legend, but Kratos does exist in Greek Legend)

In that note, there are the Philistines gods, that he could fight against.

1 Corinthians 10:20: "Behind every idol is a demon."  As a Judge, he made the Israelites cast away their idols, but there could be instance where the demons revolt.  With the power of the Spirit, he fights them.  If not Samson, there are other legendary events of the Bible that could be used.  Such as David and Goliath.  There is a ABC show strictly about David.  We could have games or stories about the ArchAngels.  Granted, there was some in the past, but those does not fare well, as the gameplay doesn't fit or excessively corny (I apologize their behalf).

I, myself, am working on a series that somewhat was inspired by the Book of Revelation.  However, my take is instead of Seven Years, it is Seven Decades, which the characters often refer to as the Last Century.  Which is, in fact, the Title of the Saga, Eternal Chronicles: The Last Century.

I do not have much to show for it now, but if you're interested in hearing more of it, I'd be happy to talk.
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