thorns's avatar
You can pick any complaint that is related to dA in some way (so users, community, the site, deviations, etc, etc). If we can relate it to dA it's acceptable. You can pick your own complaint or one you've seen others make.

It's very open ended. If you'd like you can note me more information and I can do my best to throw ideas your way. (Completely up to you if you use any of them, of course, and I'm not an expert in everything so not all my ideas may be good. :P)
piiigeon-art's avatar
Thanks, that really cleared up my questions. =D
thorns's avatar
You're welcome and best of luck on your entry! :la:
piiigeon-art's avatar
Thanks, I'll probably need the luck ^^;
thorns's avatar
How are you doing with your entry? :eager:
piiigeon-art's avatar
I kind of forgot about the contest until now....I'm sorry, but I think I'll have to quit the contest. But good luck to everyone who's competing ~