Yutaki's avatar
Yeah, as I said I'll finish that one too ^0^
As soon as I can get this commission right OTL
God right now my bodies just look so.... not good!

I'm glad one can recognize him, thanks xD
I always have problems with eyebrows in general^^" Really need to study that one ^0^
Study... eyebrows... xD
And I'll try that, thanks ^0^
Tulpen-Teufel's avatar
Looking forward to that! :la:
That happens, but be asured it'll get better. :) :hug:

Yeah, you should! D:
Eyebrows are SO important for a well working expression.
Die solltest du dir mal angucken, von Gesichtsausdrücken sind die echt super, auch wenn es gelegentlich in Richtung ZaDR geht, ist Inhaltlich aber immer recht harmlos. ;)
Yutaki's avatar
Honestly I don't have Problems with expressions because eyebrows in expressions are WAY easier then those in relaxed faces. I don't Even know why >x<

I have to study so much xD

Thank you, I sure Hope so :tighthug: