colonel-strawberry's avatar
Haha or something like that XD

Hey, works for me! Gotta engrave good composition into my brain more, so I don't have to think about it later.
LiimLsan's avatar
You have anything like that? Little personality tics that are only a problem because people completely misread them?

I think you've already succeeded. ^^ Your compositions look much more reflexive now than the ones early in the chapter, if that strokes your ego a bit.
colonel-strawberry's avatar
I dunnooo, people always think i'm really angry or yelling at them online, but usually i'm just poking fun at them :x

LiimLsan's avatar
Damn, I feel for that. @_@
Well. when you think about it, everyone looks angry or bitchy online if you're looking through the comments section with an offended mindset. People have this instinctive fear of black and white, logical comment (because all their face-to-face conversations are colored by subconscious emotion) and apply their own emotions to their reading text.

Seriously, you're getting better with them. You've already passed "Liefeld," now you're on to "Ware." With luck, a Mignola could lie in your future...then on to Spiegelmann...and after several years, you could go Eisner Saiyan. IDK where my metaphor went there.
colonel-strawberry's avatar
Yeah I know XD I just feel bad when people are like sobbing after I say something I meant to be happy or joking. Although, it's also kind of funny too. EH, the internet, gotta love it!

OH PFF, ahah yeah okay XD
I wish comic artists powered up to super saiyan mode whenever they went to work ;o; It'd make so much more sense to me that way.
LiimLsan's avatar
Damn, girl, I know the feeling. They're all "Hhow could you s-say that?! You - you monster!" and we's all "To be honest, I was...actually trying to cheer you up."
Jokes. It's never too soon, people.
(Consensus from my teenaged church choir - funniest Jewish joke in the world is a tie between "50 in the ashtray" and "How do you tell you're in a Jewish kitchen?" "There's a fork in the sugar bowl.")

Lol - then how would they absorb ideas from the real world, if they can't draw as the same person?
Wait, you just call it 'fantasy' and make up the rules as you go along.
(Fantasy comics is like postmodern art - it's so damn easy, most of us can't tell how many people are there because they like it or for the relative complacence.)