GaelRice's avatar
jfgnksjdg omg THANK YOU :heart: thats one funny coincidence!! so happy you like them this much x33 which other champs and skins do you like ?
Scythes4Hands's avatar
Lol You're welcome. It is a funny coincidence, but I'm sure there are other people out there who like playing Vi & Sona too.
As for my favorite champs and skins,..... I like Vi & Neon Strike Skin, Sona & Arcade Skin, Varus & Arclight Skin, Nami & Koi Skin, Volibear & Thunderlord Skin, Zed, Miss Fortune & Mafia Skin, Darius, Jayce, Garen & Dreadknight Skin, Ahri & All her skins, Mordekaiser & Dragonknight Skin.....
lol, and those are really the ones that came to me first. How about you? ^__^