Any update on when the next one is coming out.
Abadir's avatar
the comic version of this story is in the limbo, ATM, since Inquisition changed a lot of assumptions I made about things presented in the comic. I have managed to make a rewrite that wouldn't touch much the pages that are yet to be published, but it would need to remake two intermediate chapters almost completely ("Thorugh the Mirror" and "All Fades break loose") whgich are referenced in the ending and in the current chapter and so I would need to redraw many things and change many others of the pages I have already published back in the days.
There is, though, a "novel" vesrsion ready to be published, I just need my proofreaders to send me back the last two chapters in need to be edited and I can publish it. As for the comic itself, I will finish it, eventually, but not in the near future.