Kyndsie's avatar
... in which Sarah's bag is revealed to contain ONLY the frying pan!

I like how Sarah's hair now is neither precisely up or down, but simply Adventurous. And her expression when she lacks a PG-swear word. I suppose that invoking a reference to the Bog WHILE Underground AND wearing The Amulet would be unwise. :D
Pika-la-Cynique's avatar
I never got to develop it as planned, but Luna magicked both their bags with the Bag of Holding spells perfected by Hermione. Sarah had packed with many precautions, including a change of clothes that Jareth later magically pre-empts.

(Kinda wish I had been more consistent with the "Sarah can't swear properly" gag - she gets some bleeped out F**ks in early pages...)
Kyndsie's avatar
That totally makes sense! I saw the bag left dangling in Sarah's hand, and thought (somehow) that it was only for the frying pan. Your explanation totally makes more sense!

You could just say that the bleeps happened to Sarah in-comic, so even when she tries to say something beyond her rating, she can't, so she's just given it up. :D