Kuro-Arashi-Ame's avatar
Ohhh, is that why you've been so nice about all my art for so long? :faint: Yes, I did say that I do requests for friends I've known for a long time. I'm also not doing requests right now. I was going to do my usual "sketches for my watchers thing" a month ago, but college has been busy so I have to hold that off. Why, were you going to ask for something? :?
bubbles46853's avatar
No, that's not it at all!!! I REALLY do love your art! I'm not THAT kind of person!
Kuro-Arashi-Ame's avatar
:iconsmile--plz: It's fine, you've been nice to me for a very long time. :nod: If you want you can send me a note, and I'll do a quick colored sketch for you if you want, nothing amazing. :airborne: I have some time this weekend.
bubbles46853's avatar
Maybe...though I'm not sure which of my girls to ask you to draw...