ThomClyma's avatar
Normally I'd sigh a little when someone talks about cosplaying as harley (primarily since EVERYONE has tried their hand), but I don't believe I've seen a bad costume from you, you manage to BECOME the characters you choose and on more than one occasion, being the definitive cosplayer for that character that I measure other attempts.

I'm really looking forward to seeing what you do with the pieces you're thinking of doing almost to the point of wanting to go to Fanime just to see them in person.
Callesto's avatar
Aw I don't think everyone has done Harley! Probably the same amount of Rogue and Emma Frost cosplayers out there.
But thank you so much for the compliments!!
ThomClyma's avatar
Maybe not every single cosplayer, but I see a lot of them at conventions.
Callesto's avatar
Well good for them, people should cosplay whoever they want regardless of how "over done" it is.