ATHYRIOn's avatar
Ayep - she's squinting the wrong eye and holding her left thumb on the wrong side, too.
lulzimbored's avatar
Ugh. I hate it when people who don't know anything about weapons try to draw them realistically. Either make it intentionally cartoony, or learn the basics of what you're drawing, y'know?
N-Tics's avatar
(Did I feed the troll right? Or did you actually not read the description. In which case you're excused, because everyone knows the average internet browsing person's attention span is 6 seconds at most)<small>
N-Tics's avatar
I hate it when people bitch about things they can just choose not to look at. Not everyone gives as many fucks about weaponry as you do...
TheArtrix's avatar
Usually I look up some reference of actual weapons, but as it says in the description, that kind of went to the backseat in this exercise. The focus was on Applejack's anatomy.
lulzimbored's avatar
Well, you aced that part. Weapons are just a pet peeve of mine, pay it no heed.