Reaper145's avatar
Thank you for making this! Really appreciate it. I'm doing my first artist alley in a few months and I'm super scared. Sorry if you covered this and I missed it, but what do you recommend for how many prints you should bring? Like let's say you have 15 designs, how many of each one?
MystoDraws's avatar
Thanks so much for reading! :D

For prints, I would bring no more than 5 copies of each design. It would seem like a really low number, but trust me, any more than that and it'll seem like way too much inventory! The first time I made prints I had about 7 to 10 copies of each, and it was about 15 designs or so. Turned out to be freakishly expensive and I probably sold about 3 of each anyway. If you do 5, it'll be enough to gauge how well a design sells. And since you'll have lots of different designs, it will mean more options for your customers!

I hope this helped ^^ Best of luck to you on your first artist alley!
Reaper145's avatar
Hehe no problem XD
That's very true! I assumed people did like 50 of each design until I started reading stuff like this XDD Although I suppose that's only reaaally pro people. 
Thanks so much! 
MystoDraws's avatar
You are very welcome! ^_^