Ellofayne's avatar
I just read all 4, thank you so much!!!! Super informational, and even for things other than conventions! (I sell at Renaissance Faires; they seem to be sort of similar!!) Thank you!
MystoDraws's avatar
You are so welcome, I'm so glad these were helpful to you! :D And yeah, Renaissance Faires would have probably even more types of items you could make/sell there. Best of luck to you!
Ellofayne's avatar
yes, definitely! I make leather.... everything at faire XD. But I am curious how leather keychains might do at a con, along with prints and such... and of course, your info on prints and stickers and all that is good for me because that is untreaded waters for me, man. Thar be DRAGONS over there! Thank you, good luck to you too!
MystoDraws's avatar
You are so welcome, and thanks! :D