WeirdalPolkapower's avatar
That's ableist so therefore his opinion is invalid. Isn't that eugenic? where doctors make people abort a fetus if its a defect so like they chose what should be aborted and what shouldn't and thats wrong. You shouldn't abort because the baby has a defect that is in fact ableist.
 therefore his opinion is invalid.

Why would somebody's opinion ever be invalid? He is entitled to what his opinion, even if it's not politically correct.
WeirdalPolkapower's avatar
I guess it wouldn't be we all have some form of politically incorrect opinions. Still there's a risk of backlash people have had their careers ruined over their opinions.
Yeah, that's true. But he's Richard Dawkins, not an actor.
WeirdalPolkapower's avatar
True I have no problem with him i mean i am athiest myself but he can come off a bit rude.