rvc-2011's avatar
i think you ve mistaken champ... the operating system is Windows 7 and i am running kde desktop on it as an app... so the theme / style you see is a windows visual style....
thank you for your compliments :)
DevilishDB's avatar
No I understod that it's just that actual kde is brighter than that. BTW I recommend you use a different visual style on Windows 7 so that the buttons will look more like kde in apps like Windows Explorer and other Windows default apps. (you have to install a theme patcher if you want to use custom themes e.g. UXTheme Patcher)
rvc-2011's avatar
if i understand by what you meant, that must be the desktop theme for kde which is limited for the windows edition ! i was looking for qt curve style but motif is default and i have cde as option.. for grays and monochromes, this came nearest ! thanks for your suggestions champ :)