echoing-artemis's avatar
I did, well spotted! She's an incredible artist, and one of my favourites too. :'D I'm so happy someone recognised it!

Thank you so much! <3
seeingviolets's avatar
Oh, what an unlikely and happy coincidence! I totally agree. She's been my favourite artists for years and years, and I'm super excited to finally getting to see her perform live in London in November! (I'm currently waiting for my travel companion, who's a fellow Vienna fan, to confirm her attendance so that we can book plan tickets and such.)

You're most welcome! <3
echoing-artemis's avatar
I AM SO EXTREMELY JEALOUS I'd love to see her live one day :'D
seeingviolets's avatar

I hope that you'll be able to see her live one day! Actually, have you heard of Vienna's music video fund campaign (see the link below)? From what I've understood, she intends visit Australia next year because of it (and throw a gig!). ; )…