Comment on Quotes #57 by Alpner

To my currently unconceived future teenage son,

Son... The bra is designed for the woman to clasp while wearing. In addition, the world's population is primarily right handed. This means that the bra is designed to be clasped, by the woman using her right hand. A common misconception made by men is that the bra should be able to be unclasped with "our" right hand. This is a natural assumption because we are also right handed. The problem with that, is now you are inverse of the wearer. Specifically, your right hand is on her left side, and her bra was not designed for her to clasp or unclasp with her left hand.

This has perplexed many males throughout their teenage years. The answer to puzzle is simple, use your left hand.

When facing her, reach around her back with your left hand until you find that little piece where they join. Then with two fingers, pinch the edge of the bra where they meet. The hook is folding under toward her right side, so all you have to do is flick your wrist in a backwards motion and try to resist the urge to say "Ta DA!".

Now, at this moment she might exhibit a little sign of shock that you have so adeptly defeated her defenses. She will probably ask you how you knew the answer to this problem. Just tell her it was in Harry Houdini's autobiography or that there was a comedy sketch on youtube about it. By the time she figures out its not true, she will already be your girlfriend and it will be something you both can laugh about.

Also, if the clasp is in the front... god help you... better yet just ask her to do it.
PixelDee's avatar
XDDD I salute you!
Bacxaber's avatar
What about us who are left handed, dick?