urszulac's avatar
u nas w Polsce jeszcze wiosny nie widać .mróz <-10 stopni C > i śnieg po kolana.zdjęcie piękne i budujące
Stilleschrei's avatar
:giggle: thanks for the comment, but I don't understand it.. English oder Deutsch?
Paul774's avatar
she said "We in Poland do not see the spring yet. We have frost < -10 °C and snow to the knees. the photo beautiful and uplifting" ^^

translated with [link] google translator (and my head a bit^^)
Stilleschrei's avatar
:) Thanks Paul!
but I'm not going to work with translators anymore, I've done so in the past but a lot of times they make no sence at all...
I think it is better if she adjusts to the English speaking community.
urszulac's avatar
Stilleschrei's avatar
:) I can only translate words, not lines..
urszulac's avatar
i suggest: google translator.com