SereneNighingale's avatar
Your poem actually captured my thoughts. I looked at this and I was wondering what you were doing in my mind, stealing my words.

People sometimes don't seem to understand and they brush it off as an "over-active imagination" or as stress. Of course, there are other odd things occurring at the same time since all of this started, and it involves my close friends. I told them, a few were skeptical, others understood.

What really pisses me off is when people think that I'm doing it for attention. When they face the terror I face every night when the shadows morph their way around my room, teasing me, taunting me, they can put their input on it.

/end rant

Sorry about that. ^_^" Good poem. Hit a few heartstrings of mine.
MikkiMarie's avatar
I'm sorry :( thank you so much though!!
SereneNighingale's avatar