Tulikoura's avatar
I see. There might have been a small influence from Warhammer High Elves there :) but tall helmet fits the description I think. Yep, according to the lore silvan elves that live in the Mirkwood are more like rangers and guerilla warfare experts and have lightly armed, fast moving border patrols when compared to noldor elves. But if they send a host outside their border it's well armed, no doubt. Mmm, I do recall a smith Eöl in Silmarillion, "Pimentohaltia" in Finnish which means Dark Elf (which might be the term used in English as well).

Heh, nice to hear. I'm somewhat against the idea that dwarves only use axes and such. The fact that I like polearms and such might have something to do with it, though... XD but in the Silmarillion elves use clubs and slings, axes and such so it's weird do assume some weapons are not used. Not to mention swords dwarves use in the Hobbit book...

I guess I have found my niche then ;)